VR for Acoustics – on the movie set
Educational materials don’t have to be boring. Incorporating the newest technologies, we offer…

Industrial Acoustic Training
Industrial noise could be minimised by implementing noise control and noise management. The goal of noise management is to maintain low noise exposures, such that human health and well-being are protected. It is cruciual part of environmental health programmes. Check what is noise managment in practice: https://aci.acoucou.org/materials/lesson/4/1

VR training
Our last workshop in Wrocław was really successful! Would you like to be a part of acoustic team? The 360-degree videos let you participate in the acoustical measurements and see various measurement techniques from a close view. Check our immersive materials: https://aci.acoucou.org/materials/video/8/2

Meet us at e-Forum Acusticum 2020
e-FA2020 will take place as an online version from December 7 to December 11, 2020. 700 oral presentations and 56 poster presentations will be proposed to attendees. Team of Academy of Acoustics attends this important, scientific event. Let us know if you’ll be there too!

The summary of ACI Erasmus + project
On 31st of August 2020, we officially completed an Erasmus+ project, started in 2017. For the past three years, our efforts were aimed at finding the efficient way to raise the awareness of noise pollution and why it is so dangerous. Also, we wanted to create a tool for…

Acoucou platform on social media
You can immerse in the world of sound and learn with us while using your favourite social media. Acoucou – Acoustic Courseware is an educational platform where you can find free learning materials on various topics related to acoustics.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions regarding the content of courses, enrolment procedure or any other topics related to our educational materials.